Pinched shamelessly from my friend Shirley's facebook page
The musings of a now empty nester as myself and fellow blogger husband Mr Adventuresinreality try and spend the kids inheritance one city break at a time...
Here you have the law and gospel according to Saint Gwen, patron saint of the weary bewildered. Click on the thingy for my handy guides to life's little challenges.
Personal grooming
Small children
Getting Married
That Bill Gates...what does he know? What has he ever achieved?
Nerdy can be very very sexy........but kids won't pay attention to this will they? and we all know that they should....
My son is a nerd, so this is good news to me :)
Seen this before. How true. neither of mine are nerds though so we are doomed to fail.
That is so very true...I may just have to print that off and leave it on my son's pillow!
So true, i was a teacher and tried to be realistic about things, most teachers weren't, they wanted to build self esteem. Tried telling them self esteem had to be earned not given.
Most kids suffer from too much self esteem not too little.
So sick of this sense of entitlement, you know, "Give it to me because I deserve it.
Merry Christmas auntiegwen.
Number 7 rules.....!!!lol
I love this post so much that I've included it on my Blog Promotions page - given you credit of course, but if you want me to mention your friend's name also, please let me know!
All the best for 2012.
CJ x
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