Thursday 29 July 2010

My words, my life

Prospective lover
Ex Wife
Sister in Law
Great niece
Fixer of everything
Finder of everything
Rememberer of everything
Pourer of oil on troubled water
Kiss it all better er
Referee of disagreements
Failed grown up
Gig buddy
David Tennant worshipper
Hard worker

We all have lots of roles and identities in life. Many of mine are there every day, some in huge amounts and some have much less of an impact. Some of my roles I have chosen for myself, some I have had no choice at all in, some welcomed and some of them very unwanted. I am great at some and shit at others.

And I wonder why I'm tired!


Ayak said...

Time to make the list a lot shorter I think!

auntiegwen said...

Ayak - I'm one of the people who can't comment on your blog and I can't click on your profile to get your email to tell you I can't comment x I'm not ignoring you honest! x

Ayak said...

Oh OK. Well I really don't understand what's happening. Would it be possible for you to go to the following link and report it. I've asked Heiko and French Fancy to do the same, but they haven't as yet:

Helena said...

lol......I almost had a full house, there! I think the only one I'd need to add was 'Royal Bank of Mum'!

Nota Bene said...

You missed a few:

brlliantly funny writer

etc, etc

auntiegwen said...

Lena - how could I forget banker?

NB - you have to say that, you're my friend x

auntiegwen said...

Ayak - I've been and reported it

Ayak said...

Thanks auntigwen! I feel like I'm being blamed by others for the problem, which is simply beyond my control, and which Blogger Help says isn't a problem with my blog.
(Oh thats just me today...taking the blame for everything that goes wrong...ever have days like that?)

Sueann said...

I agree with need a shorter list!!

AGuidingLife said...

Oy : "Failed grown up" !!!

Failure is an event, never a person. William D. Brown

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. ~Thomas Edison

if you can quote 10001 ways, I will allow 'failed' !!!

I think you need to strike all but the 4th and the last off the list for a weekend. xxxx

auntiegwen said...

SueAnn - I bet your's is just as long!!

Kellogsville - ooh thanks for the offer, your place or mine? ;) xxx

Mrs Worthington said...

Auntie Gwen - I am so glad you have blogged - was getting worried about you. You can scratch Failed grown up off your list for a start.
Where's gin drinker and toblerone muncher?

Gigi said...

That's a pretty comprehensive list. I'm tired from just reading it. But then I've realized that my list is about the same! Now I'm exhausted!

Looking for Blue Sky said...

Internet auntie? Pollyanna? Heart-warming writer? Whatever, you seem to combine all your roles with grace xx

auntiegwen said...

Mrs W - how could I have left out the gin and the toblerone? it's my age, you know, I'm forgetting things!!!! xx

Gigi - I bet all the women who read this have lists just as long, maybe that's why we're all so tired x

LFBS - thank you my dear, takes one to know one x as we say in my neck of the woods, can you imagine how long your list would be ? x

Becky said...

Gwen, what a heart warming post. "Overthinker" , thats me too lol ! But cross out all the negative self doubting ones, cos you are great as you are :-)

Rarelesserspotted said...

Hmmmm, gainfully underemployed I see - NOT! If you were qualified in all these areas and were being paid pro-rata for the time spent engaged in each, frankly you would be worth a fortune. On the other hand, love might have a tadge to do with it.

Laura said...

Fruit n nut toblerone addict

libby said...

invisible cloak of love maker....heart holder....

Working Mum said...

Now you just need to find a highly paid job with that specification!

PS You missed out "toblerone devotee"

diney said...

I'd have to add taxi driver but the others sound familiar (except lecturer and toblerone addict!)

Style At Every Age said...

Looks like my own list, I would be afraid to write it down!