This is the bold boy prior to his ex girlfriends fancy dress birthday party. Those are Hot Boy's white skinny jeans, t shirt and sailor hat, the denim jacket is mine. The pants are his.
I will spare you the photo of what state the clothes came back in but it really was a Daz doorstep challenge. As was the bouncing off the walls arrival home at 2am, followed by the chat with EBD and Hot Boy just outside my bedroom. I wasn't madly keen on the ex girlfriends tearful and very loud phone call either.
At 6 am, The Beautiful Son wasn't leaping out of bed to do his paper round and had to be woken up 3 times, handed clothes to wear and helped to find his luminous yellow paperbag. Which he insisted was his sisters as it had a bike lock key in it. We had to find the identical luminous yellow bag with the identical bike lock key in it. Which we did because it's a luminous yellow bag and they are always in the same place, it was just that the son couldn't quite get his bearings. I can only apologise to the good citizens of auntiegwentown for their missing/wrong/half ripped paper on Saturday. Still it's not everyday you get a hungover/still drunk sailor on a bike attempt to deliver your paper.
Can't believe he's a little lad doing a paper round! Such a handsome boy.
Ah bless.....he should model....only still live with his mom and not do drugs or go anorexic or anything....wouldn't need his paper round then!
Your wee lad is a very handsome lad. Oh haven't we all had to get up with a hangover to do what we have to do, although not at that hour of the morning. Poor thing, you I mean, listening to all the ruckus outside your bedroom door, although if it involved Hot Boy and drunken son, it would have had to have been a funny/interesting conversation.
x Sandi
Betty - he's still waiting for his sugarmommies thing to take off, I'm still wanting the story of your brother caravan man the gigolo
Libs - if he thought someone would pay him to parade round in his pants he'd be delighted
Sandi - it was great fun, especially when we heard the thud as Hot Boy fell off the bed from laughing too much
He matches the blinds!!
Your poor, poor neighbours...
Andy - that's pirates, would you give yourself peace
NB - a veritable stripe fest, I made him move after the photo, the stripes clashed, he didn't tone in as much as I'd have liked!
Don't you just love em??
Now there's a newspaper headline waiting to happen - my sailor paperboy......... I'll leave you to fill in the blanks! lol
I hope he didn't sail over the handlebars..
eeek - it would be wrong to suggest he looks hot, right?! Sorry. I'll go fetch m'bromide (I blame my age). I wonder how many time he had to interupt the round to be ill?!
lu - got no choice!! x
Taz - oh God, too scary
LFBS - a distinct possibility
S - he assures me the vomit on his jeans and new £18 white plimsoles (WTF!!!!) was his friend Lewis's
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