Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Meet auntiegwen - The End ( I promise !)

She is a complex woman.

Let’s just leave it there shall we ?

OK, I’ll expand.

A true Scot and a child of the 1980s. Has civic pride in Glasgow alongside a secret love/hate relationship with England . Adores her 3 children more than they know. Regrets her marriage breakdown but now accepts it and begins to see the positives. Determined, tough when it comes to some things, fragile when it comes to others. Has an almost only-childlike need to be liked and surrounds herself with friends and bloggers. Can be pushed a long way but then puts her foot down. Likes order and structure in her life but is mature and sensible enough to ease up on it as her children get older and her life goes in different directions with more personal choice and different people. Sees the good (and beauty) in everyone and everything, even when sometimes it isn’t there. Wishes the world was a better place.

Loves music, alcohol, humour, intelligence, travel and…whisper it….sex ! Has a bit of a guilt trip with the latter. Wishes she had had a few more boyfriends before “settling down”. Wants to love and be loved and, despite some hurtful experiences, has never given up on that ideal. Her new life has been evolving for a while now and she likes it a lot but still has a long list of ambitions. Almost a second-time-around teenager at heart full of sneaky smokes, drinking, late nights, loud music and ‘nothing is going to hold me back’ thinking. Learns very quickly, not afraid to admit mistakes. Struggles for time but seems to cope incredibly well and has tremendous energy. Knows how to dress to impress and is very canny when it comes to attracting the opposite sex. At times can be ‘holier than thou’. Pretends this isn’t the case. But very intelligent and very witty. Wears heart on sleeve. Passionate about the value of education and works hard to instill this in the children she teaches.

So let’s weigh the pros and cons, shall we ?

Many pros and few cons. A genuinely warm, loyal and painfully honest person who gives more than she takes. Has had to learn quickly how to be an ex-wife and is beginning to reinvent herself as the woman she really wants to be.


A Woman Of No Importance said...

I'm back - Something odd happened with my comment yesterday - Blame the wine!

"Passionate about the value of education and works hard to instill this in the children she teaches".
This just shines out of you and your family! Hope you find who you want to be soon, BAGwen x

Shirley said...

"complex woman" -- isn't that redundant? ;)

What a gift, to be given an objective (but not cruel) view of one's self! I'll bet "himself" learned a thing or two while writing it, too. If you haven't already, maybe you should give him the same gift. :)

Shirley said...

Kielbasa is also known as Polish sausage. Though I don't suppose folks in Poland would recognize it, either!

DAB said...

Auntiegwen, LOL! You are sooo funny but methinks you need to add two more to the old con list

1. Loves The Killers. What!?? :0
2. Bad Mammy regarding pets - needs to go buy hamster for the wee little one. Just think of all the fun you're misiing out on :)


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Hey hen, just wonderful, honest and genuine. Just a great post and I am so glad I stumbled upon your blog for you are a delight to read and know. Me and my five personalities are delighted to know you!

Laura said...

*raises a glass* here's to reinventing yourself :O)

Squirmy Popple said...

Music, alcohol, humour, intelligence, travel and sex...sounds good to me!

auntiegwen said...

Awoni - I find my self nodding along in earnest agreement when my students, EBD or the matey boys bemoaning the fact that they don't know what they want to do when they grow up, tragically I still don't know and I'm 4feckin2

Shirley - I have done his, he found it "very touching and accurate" and thank you for the sausage info, essential info for every vegetarian, I might have ordered that by accident !

TF - how very dare you !!! You know how much your auntie loves The Mighty Killers xx

and for the love of God will you give yourself peace about the hamster !!! xx

Mob - and I am delighted that you and yer 5 pals come oot tae play wi me on such a regular basis, you know how much I love your blog so thanks for liking mine back xxx

Lolly - thanks pet, it's been hard work but I am finally becoming the me I want to be

Katie - sometimes I can't believe how fanfeckintastic my life is, I have a brilliant mummy type life with the kids but I also have a very grown up exciting life with himself, which is bliss, I always
say it but I really am a lucky lucky girl !

ME said...

I know I'm lucky to have you as a blog friend!

A Mother's Place is in the Wrong said...

Have at last caught up with your Blog - and it was wonderful to read all about your family and the
matey boys. How lovely. It all reminds me of when our house was full of my children and all their friends, day and night. Enjoy it - you obviously do - and keep it as a precious memory. M xx

Eddie 2-Sox said...

You have a load of tickets on yourself, but deservedly so.

I still feel, overwhelmingly, your conflict between allowing your children to do their own thing (like you did) and keeping them on the straight and narrow.

You're a star.

auntiegwen said...

Craze - and I you, it's fab to have this insight into lives around the world, isn't it ?

M - I do actually enjoy it but I love the grown up play time too xx

Soxy - it is a work in progress, parenting is never easy is it ?

Anonymous said...

That last line about reinventing yourself really hit home. I know *exactly* what you mean.
Here's to meeting Auntie properly in the near future ;o)

Chairman Bill said...

Don't learn to be an ex-wife (they're poison). Just learn to become yourself.


Anonymous said...

Oh girl we truly are kindred spirits. Love ya!

Mean Mom said...

I'm glad that you're enjoying your new life and that you have found someone who appreciates you! I suspect that you are, in fact, in a happier place, now, than you were in your previous relationship. I hope so.

auntiegwen said...

Penelope - I'll drink to that, let me know when, I get a day off Mummying on a Saturday xx

Chairman Bill - if carling made ex s it would be me and him, honestly, my ex and I are on really good terms, he still often does my ironing ! we have worked really hard at this and at times it's been extremely difficult as we've moved on and had new partners but I can honestly say we very very rarely argue.

Lisa - I know, so true xxx

MM - I think I'm happier with me now and that's what I think makes the difference, not that I am disrespecting the input from a certain someone but I feel that this is the new improved version of me and I like the me he has. I am actually sorry that Gordon didn't get this version, I feel he didn't get the best of me and that's quite sad.

FOXY1969 said...

Its a shame we cant see who we will become in 10 years time,so we could choose the right life partner.
But then again that would be dull, cos I suppose it is all these experiences that make us who we are today.

auntiegwen said...

Foxy - def our experiences both good and bad do make us what we are. In relationships the real trick is being able to change and grow and for your beloved to do the same and still being able to be happy together.

I make it sound so easy, don't I ?

A Confused Take That Fan said...

Oh, to be so loved and so well known by himself. He is a keeper. xx
ps you are my kind of girl. In everyway xxx

auntiegwen said...

ACTTF - yep, he knows me too well sometimes, no room for me to manipulate him, and doesn't that annoy me when I can't get my own way ?! And thank you for the compliment, I love you too xxxx