I am a poorly auntie, if I was a man I would have flu but as a mere auntie I just have a cold. I am feeling slightly under par so have retreated to bed (after finishing work of course, couldn't let my unblemished I've never had a day off sick record go, could I?)
I love my bed with a passion some people reserve for their spouses. Nothing makes your auntie more cheery than going to bed. And now I can take to my bed, sans guilt, in the manner of a consumptive Victorian heroine, I have the cough nailed. Please feel free to pop by with grapes and anything else you think would make auntie better.
And so, dear readers I shall leave you with the bed of loveliness in all it's glory.
Scroll down, let's have a little anticipation.
I paid The White Company a lot of money for my bed linen, you know, let's get my money's worth.
Ta da!!!!!
Middle class porn for middle aged ladies at it's best, I'm sure you'll agree
It is a beautiful bed. Shame you are poorly but how spendid to be totally Victorian heroine. x
Wow! That's posh! Almost worth getting ill for. Hope you get well soon (but not too soon - you need a long recuperation in that bed :)
That is a very fine bed. I don't need much excuse to head for mine -I read in it, play on the internets, knit, talk on the phone. Beds are very underrated places. I do hope you feel better soon - zinc helps you fight off colds more quickly.
Your bed look really,really comfy! Hope you feel better soon. xx
I'm trying not to covet your bedroom and failing. So, I'll just go with it and be more than just a tad bit jealous. Beautiful.
If I was to stop by, I'd not bring grapes but something to help with that poorly cough. I'm thinking Bacardi and Coke or possibly my rather famous-round-these-parts Hot Nellie. It's like hot mulled wine but you add fresh orange, cherry juice and Cognac.
Beats grapes, trust me. :)
Wishing you wellness in an appropriate time frame.
Hugs and quiches from Kitty xx
That truly is one lovely bed - actually, the whole room looks fabulous and inviting! Now, you just go and spend all the recuperation time you need in that cozy nest, and then some more just for the joy of it!
Hot whisky is the cure, but perhaps you don't want one with such a gorgeous bed to be poorly in?
WOW! The bedroom turned out AMAZING! If I had that room I don't think I'd ever leave it. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Oh I love love love it..that colour is gorgeous! and that heart over the bed? what is that made from? so pretty........
Sorry that you are poorly....if you need anything just give us a holler as the mister has time to spare now.....
S - thank you, I think lolling about in bed being ill is an undiscovered skill of mine! x
CQ - indeed, I was thinking a fortnight would see me sorted.
Alienne - beds are splendid aren't they? I didn't know about zinc but will try and get some after work today
Lolly - thanks me dear, it is the comfiest bed in the world xx
Kitty - I love you, please come and bring a hot nellie, I will shove over and let you in (it's a mahoosive bed)xxx
Pinklea - I do love my new bedroom, I liked my old one too but this one is just my favourite place to be
LFBS - oh I'm fine if I'm the one drinking but I get a bit cross shouty shreiky if the children wander in with a mug in their hands!!!
Gigi - it turned out well I think, worth all the angst in the end, hoping you and MC are okay xxx
Libs - thank you my dear, the heart is wicker, I love heart shaped things, I seem to have appropriated lots of them xxx
Quite, quite beautiful.
I wouldn't want to spoil that beautiful bed my crumpling it up. Do you sleep in the spare room and just come in here to look at it?
I love being in bed too and I am just so jealous of your beautiful bed. It's the height of gorgeousness.
Get well soon xxx
Looks welcoming but too good to rumple up by sneezing and spluttering - hope you feel better soon! I love my bed too and always let out a groan of delight when I finally lie down at night - not to be misunderstood as a groan of delight for anything else related to the bedroom *cough*
A really beautiful bedroom and your bed looks most inviting (said in total innocence). And I do think that curtain tie-backs add the finishing touch to any room.
Ok it looks like you have sneaked into Malmaison to make us all jealous. now show us the real bedroom with snot stains mountains of tissues and papers all over the floor
Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape,Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape, Grape,
Here's a bunch of grapes for you, hope you feel better soon!
Gotta love a good bed...that is for sure! Yours is divine!!
Hope you are feeling better now?
It is a beautiful bed :D
I am in the process of trying to revamp my horrendous bedroom....
Its a room I still have to share with my hubby and that stops me feeling overly inspired and enthusiastic...how sad...it would be so much easier to enthuse and feel motivated if it was MINE!
How about a gin and tonic! Works for me! Hope you feel better soon x
Tidier than my bedroom :)
What is the print on your wall ? Can`t make it out in the pic but is it Antarctica ?
Me is nosey..!
Trish - oh no if I have something lovely I enjoy using it all the more
Ayak - still feeling not quite 100% and it's beginning to be really inconvenient
Diney - I do that groan too, sometimes I giggle and clap my hands as well, that is the sum total of my bedroom activities
Troy - why thank you, you are most kind, are you Lawrence Lwellyn whatsit in real life?
Mrs W - ah I love the Mal and HDV chains, they are gorgeous aren't they?
Jon - thank you, if we get enough can we make wine?
SueAnn - it looks very plain in comparison to your beautiful colours though but that's me, plain Jane through and through
VR - yep I could have it any colour or style but as I am so crap at decision making it made it a bit more tricky, however I don't often have it to myself, there always seems to be an off spring rolling about and it makes me nervous for my pure silk throw!!!!
Anon - ooh a blogger after my own heart, I love a G and T, esp Bombay Sapphire :)
Alex - don't let Mrs Alex hear you say that!!!! The picture is called "Windows in the west" the original hangs in Kelvingrove art gallery & museum, it's a blonde sandstone tenement in Glasgow's west end in winter, I love it because you can look into all the windows and see a differnt scene, which is perfect as I'm nosey too :)
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