Wednesday, 10 August 2011

In which I make myself laugh, a lot

I have loads of faults, truly I could do a daily post of what is wrong with me and you'd still be reading at Christmas. One of my less endearing traits is my insistence on thinking I'm funny, genuinely I think I am hysterical. And I laugh at my own jokes, a lot.

On Monday, I was visiting my best friends dad, lovely bloke he is and he's reading a book about World War 2.

"Are you enjoying your book?" I asked him in a very polite tone and his reply of
"I've just started it" quickly followed up with "would you like to borrow it" in a slightly hopeful tone made me think not. And before I could stop myself, I hear these words coming out of my mouth " no thanks, I know how it ends"

and then I collapsed in hoots of laughter, and I'm still laughing about it now.

Aw, you had to be there


Elderberry-Rob said...

yes, it's funny and so are you! I think if you were my neighbour I would laugh a lot more often,. Bettyx

Sueann said...

Ha!! You totally cracked me up too! Did he appreciate your joke?

Looking for Blue Sky said...

Well you made me laugh a lot too xx

Gigi said...

It's a gift! And you made me laugh before I've even had my coffee!

Laura said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's funny too, and I wasn't there either! I just don't understand why people think it's rude to laugh at one's own jokes - it's cheap entertainment, after all.

Anonymous said...

It is funny though! My husband thought he was funny too - one of his most endearing habits was cracking up halfway through telling a joke and then only being able to finish it in gasps because he was ROFLOL.

libby said...

Have you been on the barn-dance tablets again?

Sandi said...

Giggle, right up my street with your humour. I also crack me up!!
x Sandi

Nota Bene said...

Did it raise a smile elsewhere? I hope so...I'm still smiling

AGuidingLife said...

sorry, could you explain it again and I might get it? You're the funny one, I'm the one that needs it explaining 25 times and you've lost the will to live as I start to laugh. Tis funny though, do you plan to milk it over the next few dinner parties?!

Ayak said...

I thought it was funny..did he?
I can never remember the punchlines of jokes . I really admire people who can

Taz said...

I hope you didn't spoil it and tell him how it ends! lol

Rarelesserspotted said...

I like it.

Did you hear Tottenhasm Hotspur have signed a new striker? Grabatelli


Helena said...

At least the offer was there! Librarian once told me I had a kind of Mills & Boon face....!!

Sandi said...

Where you be Auntie???
x Sandi

Penelope Grey said...

Hi Auntie Gwen, I hope you are okay, not seen anything from you in a few days?