Tuesday 8 January 2008

New Year Blues

I'll keep it brief as I am like a bear with a sore arse at the moment and I don't want my misery to inflict the blogging public.

I am hoping this is a temporary situation and it's just the usual post xmas, post new year angst - I'm getting old, what have I done with my life, same old same old that we sometimes have.

I am truly grateful for the good things in my life but at the moment it's difficult to keep that in perspective whan contrasted to the complete and utter misery that I feel.

Again, I am truly grateful for the good things in my life. If I keep telling myself that maybe I'll feel better soon


indigo16 said...

Deja Vu, I had the same rant from my 15 year old daughter Sunday night! I like January It gets lighter, the bulbs are peeping through, the terms are shorter, 5 weeks and counting, Easters on its way. As I told her, have a good cry and wallow it can only get better. can't it?

DAB said...

Why is it that when we are happy we become rather like the centipede who was asked by the toad which leg goes after which - she became so distracted she forgot how to run!
Hope you are up and running shortly.Take care TFX

Helena said...

I've shed a tear or two since New Year and can't really figure out why.

My daughter's sorted, my oldest boy's in Tenerife and my youngest got his first real snog last night. Things to celebrate, but the oomph just ain't there! Roll on the daffodils........

Squirmy Popple said...

I just returned from a holiday in Puerto Rico and the reality is starting to set in. Bah humbug!

auntiegwen said...

Thank you ladies for the empathy
