Wednesday 14 May 2008

Rock n Roll

Last night The Beautiful Son came into my bedroom and said to me, quite seriously too, " You're up late, and you're still in your clothes!!! "

Readers, it was 10 to 10

Gives you a flavour of what a rock n roll lifestyle I have, usually in my jammies and in bed by 9.

Jealous now, aren't you ?


lisa q. said...

Haha...I'm right there with you girl! If I'm not in my jammies by 8 or 9, there is something terribly wrong. Sad, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

dirty stopout!

ME said...

Lol!! Sounds about like my rock and roll life!


I hate being in my clothes too late. Tongight I'll stop up until 11 to watch Desperate Housewives but if I'm not in my Pjs or a nightie, I'll be so uncomfortable.
Love your blog!

Dusty Spider said...

I usually stay up til 11 or so to give 'im indoors a chance to get past the snooring bit before I venture into the bedroom. Love being in my jimjams too though. Flick x

Laura said...

The boy know's his mum to well! lol

Working Mum said...

He he he. It's not just me then?

Karen said...

So funny! Mine get really confused if I'm not out of bed at 7.30 on the dot every morning to make their sandwiches for school. And they're all late teens!! Love your new look, by the way :o)

auntiegwen said...

Thank you ladies, glad I'm not the only one with such a glamorous and hedonistic lifestyle !!!!