Tuesday, 18 March 2014

In my mother's mind

It's not been easy dealing with my mum having no short term memory, I'm not as patient or as kind as I would be with your mother and it's hard to keep positive as it is progressive and it's not going to get better. But genuinely, today I had my first proper laugh about the whole thing.

I was speaking to her on the phone and I asked what she's been up to. I was hugely surprised when she told me she'd taken the bus and gone to visit my sister. My dad who's been with her 24 hours a day for months and knows she's not been on a bus since about 1975 gently tells her she's mistaken. She then takes the arse with him and starts telling him all about her bus pass and that he's forgotten and maybe he should get his memory checked. She then told him to go jump in the Clyde.

Still, it's nice that she had a wee bus trip, even if it was imaginary. And as my dad says, she'll have forgotten she's cross with him by the time the kettle's boiled.


libby said...

Ah Bless.......and this is a familiar scenario in my neck of the woods too.....let's hope our kids don't have to deal with us in the same way eh? xxx

Andy said...

I think you're doing a great job and you're hugely patient with your mum. You're doing an incredible job walking the tightrope between letting the minor stuff go and getting the important stuff done. I know It's difficult to deal with but there are definite moments of comedy x

Nota Bene said...

Good to find a way of laughing at these things...I remember talking to my Dad on the phone when he had lost his memory...we could have the same 1 minute conversation time after time for a full thirty minutes...

auntiegwen said...

Libs - they can put us in a wee room together, I'll bring the gin you bring the nibbles :) xxx

Andrew - the moments of comedy certainly help! x

NB - oh yes, the revolving conversation, I know it well

Gigi said...

Sending you hugs - I imagine it's not easy.

AGuidingLife said...

I imagine you're more patient than I am. My memory losing relatives have also had a tendency to get aggressive as the 'difficulties' have progressed. It's all quite difficult and seeing a light side is a blessing you should try to hang onto.

Looking for Blue Sky said...

Very poignant to read, love to you all xx

auntiegwen said...

Gigi - it's not easy, we have 40 odd years of backstory which never helps

K - I am not as patient as I could/should be, my mother has always been quite verbally aggressive so this isn't a new thing for us, I was much more surprised when she was amenable to things!

LFBS - thank youxxx