Tuesday 29 July 2008

Gifted and Talented

I got home from work to find these in my fridge. The Beautiful Son went to Sainsbury's and bought me a kg of Roses chocolates for my birthday in 2 weeks time. How many times a day do I go into the fridge?
Did he think I wouldn't notice ?
Yes, this is the son that was identified as being Gifted and Talented.

This is why despite severe mental torture, I really, really love my children !

I'm off to The Mother Country in the morning, so I'll see you when I get back.


Shirley said...

I have a theory that kids are equipped with a sixth sense that warns them when they have worn their mums almost -- but not quite -- to a complete frazzle; then they do something like buy chocolates or clean the kitchen without being asked.

Hope you have a restorative visit home.

Tim Atkinson said...

You're right, and Sally seems actually to enjoy buying presents for other people more than getting them herself.

ME said...

Hidden in the fridge huh? Did you start nibbling away at them?

A Confused Take That Fan said...

Aawww bless him. What a gorgeous boy. He is gifted and talented because he didn't want the chocolates to melt in this heat...

Eddie 2-Sox said...

That's lovely. What a star he is...

scrappysue said...

that is so sweet, but remember he's a bloke and can only think of ONE THING AT A TIME, and the ONE thing was 'mum's birthday present! so cute. don't know where the mother country is, but have fun!

*~*Cece*~* said...

That has to be the cutest thing I've seen all day.

auntiegwen said...

Shirley - so true

Dotterell - well, I'm selfish enough to actually want presents but only if I like them. I am notoriously hard to buy for according to my family

Craze - I didn't touch them, honest !

ACTTF - you're right, he is gorgeous and that's exactly why he put them there

Eddie - he is my absolute darling

Sue - I'm at home in Scotland at the mo, I usually live in England

Cece- stops me from wanting to kill him !