Well, I've crossed the border once again and am at home, at my mammies in The Mother Country.
All's well here, I've been visiting family and eating my body weight in Empire Biscuits, which, truth be told, I'm getting a wee bit sick of now.
The Beautiful Mother aka my mammie continues to try and over please at every turn. She waits on us hand and foot and has a fridge and cupboards full of all kinds of goodies. If she offers you something and you accept, she then tries to give you something else as well, a bit like " Would you like a biscuit with your coffee ?", "You would, lovely, well, could you go a wee Danish pastry with it as well ?" she offered me chips with my soup yesterday, I wondered if she was going to float them in my bowl ! If you enjoy something she immediately offers to make it again for you, " Oh I'm glad you enjoyed that darling, would you like another one ?" it's just as well I don't live here, I'd be twice the size.
My gadget mad dad continues to be gadget mad, he has bought another computer and to keep his Ipod Nano company, he had bought an Ipod touch, as you do !
I was shopping today in Buchanan Galleries with Eldest Beautiful Daughter and I met a fellow blogger for the first time, the lovely Laura, fellow Sharleen aficionado, it was brilliant to see you Laura, I was hoping you'd be at work and I hope the next time, we'll go for a wee refreshment to match our blether. I now know what you mean about John Lewis customers though. Just after that EBD and I were looking at clothes when this nice lady started chatting with us, this happens a lot in Glasgow, never where I now live in middle England, but at home people just chat with you. This was a nice lady and we chatted for a few minutes and she said " can I ask you something?" , " Sure" says us, " Do you know that Jesus loves you ?" says the wee lady, she them proceeds to tell us about Jesus before giving us a hug and a kiss each and sends us on our way.
I just love this kind of randomness, never happens anywhere else, just at home.
We then go into Boots and are approached by another lady who says " Excuse me, can I ask you something? " well, me and EBD are on the floor laughing and we fair confused the woman who wanted our opinion on what sunglasses suited her face best, so we spent 10 minutes helping her choose her sunglasses and off she went all happy. God I love this country.
Eldest Beautiful Daughter has gone off to Edinburgh to stay her friend and I'm off to eat at least 42 different offerings from my mammie.
It's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great to be home, even if it hasn't stopped feckin raining.
ps I can't take the credit for this bit of graffiti or even the photo. IT God assures me he drove (in his BMW) to a really dodgy area, risking life and limb to capture this for me. He also says he was asked by a passing policeman if everything was ok !
It was so awesome to meet you today. Thank you so much for popping in and saying hi (and for not shoplifitng! :O) )
It's not raining in the east!!!
Haha...sounds like you are having so much fun! Enjoy yourself girl!
I'm glad you're enjoying your trip - at and least the weather was nice today!
and here i was thinking i was the only one who lived somewhere where the rain doesn't stop (which it did today!)
sounds like a fun visit. the tins are always full at my mum's place too!
We often see "home" through rose-tinted specs....the old lady who talked about Jesus is symptomatic of widespread mental health problems rather than localised cuteness I'm afraid.
It's fecking raining in Sunny Surrey. Blah! Glad you're have a fab time. TFX
I thought moms like that resided only in works of fiction!
With regard to rain, I live in an area that gets NO rain during the summer. Ours is called "The Golden State" -- presumably because the grass is dry and brown 10 months of the year. Enjoy your rain! ;)
How wonderful, enjoy that time!
laura - as if I would !
Edge - I bet it is now
Lisa - I'm sad to be home
Katie - the weather on Saturday was nice, I believe it was on the news
Sue - I believe some of the similarities between your country and mine are down to the wet stuff !
Eddie - I don't think she was ill, just a wee bit of a God botherer
TF - It's really wet here in England today too
Shirely - do you want to house swap next year ? I'll take your sun and you have my rain
Craze - I'm back now :(
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