Filthiest card of the day award goes to The Edge
Funniest message written inside the card goes to The Beautiful Son.
The musings of a now empty nester as myself and fellow blogger husband Mr Adventuresinreality try and spend the kids inheritance one city break at a time...
Here you have the law and gospel according to Saint Gwen, patron saint of the weary bewildered. Click on the thingy for my handy guides to life's little challenges.
Personal grooming
Small children
Getting Married
That is priceless!
Hey you, old woman. Just got out of my sick bed (lost my blinking voice again, silence is golden!) to wish you a very happy birthday. Have a glass or two on me sweetie TFX
Great cards & you've got beautiful children!
Happy 21st birthday! What pressie's did you get? not that it should be about what you get lol
Happy Birthday sweetie and all the best!
and yes, your kids are gorgeous! like their mum!!!
you must be proud of your kids and I bet your oldest is your mini me!
Anyway dont forgat your are only as old as the man you feel! Hope you have a toyboy!
J x
i'm forty feckin' give - what u complainin' about!!!?! beautiful teenage daughter looks a lot like her mum me thinks! cute card - spoken like a true child!!! glad it was a fun day. all my blogging friends have birthdays this month!
Gorgeous photo in your header!!!
Truly beautiful children!
Happy Birthday, at least he still loves you, even if you are getting older!
and i'm so old i apparently can't spell either...
Absolutely beautiful! Love, love, love TBS! Made my morning! Happy birthday girl!
craze - I'm going to save them all so I can embarass him when he's older
TF - thanks for the love and I had 2 large glasses of the pink stuff, hope you feel better soon
cece - as do you honey
Laura - I got my usual weird and wonderful assortment, some more strange than others !
Cheekie - lovely to hear from you, hope you get your IT sorted out soon, want me to send IT God over to help you ?
Foxy - I am very proud, the eldest is actually about 4 inches taller, I am extremely weeny but she is EXACTLY just like me, poor wee scone, not sure I would describe him as a toyboy, although he might enjoy that !
Sue - thanks, we are very similar in lots of ways and no worries, I can't spell either and the Edge is always giving out to me about punctuation
WM - thanks, not quite as cute as Izzy tho, and yes at least he still loves his old mum
Lisa - he is gorgeous, shame he's going to grow up to be a man, isn't it ?
thought I'd say "Hi" found you through Mr Dottrel
42? don't worry about it, I'm 44 son(scrooge has nothing on him!) bought me a box of tesco's version of After eight mints....I'll get my own back when he's 21 next year!
Josie x
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