Friday, 3 October 2008

10 Places I Have Never Been

I do actually want to go to all of these places, in no particular order.


South Africa



The Maldives


Hong Kong



The Outer Hebrides

I'm not complaining mind, I've been very fortunate and have been to lots of fantastic places and there are many more that didn't make the 10. I've got another 10 that I've been to and would love to go back over and over again. I'm in a 10 frame of mind at the moment.


Nota Bene said...

Great list..I've done just 20%! Havana is a must I think...before it turns into offshore Florida... Other places for me would be South America (lots of countries I know, but...), Nepal, Vietnam, China, India, Iran, USSR as was, Zanzibar.

Can Bass 1 said...

I once went to Brighton. I should cross it off your list, if I were you.

Amanda said...

Oooh, what a great idea - my list of wanna go places is huge. I think I'd have to raise my number to 20 at least. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...number one on my list is coming across the pond to see my Gwen! hehe...

Mean Mom said...

I haven't been to any of those places either, except for Brighton. I've been to the Shetlands, though. Probably almost the same as the Outer Hebrides, surely? It's all northerly, isn't it??

rebeckajane said...

Should you ever get to Australia, come and visit me!

I've only ever been to New Zealand, would love to go to Scotland, Ireland and Italy, and go to all 50 states of America.

As for your other list, I can admit to 4.

P.S, thank you.

Working Mum said...

I get most of that list, but Brighton? and Outer Hebrides? Brrrrr!

Havana, Maldives and HK I've done - fabulous. Tell us where you have been, I love other peoples' holidays!

Suzysoo said...

Hi Aunty Gwen,

Seen your name mentioned in a few of my favourite blogs so thought I would call in. Love your blog.

Your children are absolutely gorgeous-what a picture.

'Read' you soon

auntiegwen said...

NB - ooh, now I want your places too

Can bass - it always epitomised the English seaside to me

Annie - I'll go anywhere but I'm on this 10 thing

Lisa - I'm looking forward to it and also my trip to Mapdot Kansas

Mean Mom - not quite, Shetland (off NE coast) is actually nearer Scandinavia than Scotland, the Outer Hebrides are off the West coast and are some of them have their own micro climate warmed by the gulf stream

Becka - if I get there I will, now I want to know what 4, thank you very much young lady and you're very welcome xxx

WM - honestly some of the islands in the OH are so beautiful, white sand and turquoise waters, cross my heart !

Suzy - thank you for that, come back any time, remember they may look nice but looks can be deceiving though...

scrappysue said...

new zealand's not on your list auntie!!!

Nota Bene said...

I have to defend Brighton....I've been here for two decades. Errr I like it so boo to anyone who doesn't like pebbles on the beach,and noisy arcades on their pier. Mind you full of weirdos...

auntiegwen said...

Sue - as I was typing this post I knew you'd pop up and say "what about enzed ? " I would most dearly love to visit both but I wondered if you would be offended if I did Aus and NZ together as down under ?

I was meant to go to Australia and New Zealand in 2006 for mine and my then husbands 40th birthdays but sadly we were parting ways then, it was a long planned and yearned for trip. Hopefully I'll make it someday.

NB - Good for you, when I make it down I'll expect expert local knowledge about bars, restaurants, handbag and shoe shops. Don't worry about the weirdos, I'll probabaly feel right at home

Buddhist in Training said...

I've only been to Oz :( I have a huge list of places I want to go. One day......

auntiegwen said...

berthddu - not too shabby though !

indigo16 said...

I have done a few of these and Istanbul will finally be ticked this winter, I would not recommend Dubai now, it is just one big building site. Plus the malls are full of British shops! Swap it for Hawaii.