Wednesday, 8 October 2008

10 Things I really, really want

I've sat here for ages trying to write this. The things I think would make my life sooooo much more pleasurable. Lots of wasted time, umming and aahing, what do I come up with ?

Straight teeth, perkier bosoms and a psychology degree.

There were other little minor things, a Prada handbag, a Tiffany pendant that I am coveting with covety covetousness, a weekend away with a hot man and my tax return to be miraculously done, if the hot man can do that while I am luxuriating in the bath in the posh hotel room so much the better!

Dare I say this ? Could this possibly mean that Pollyanna is actually quite contented with her lot ? Am I happy ?


Amanda said...

I hope you are. Your list of wants isn't very long so you must be! :-))

Eddie 2-Sox said...

I want AG to come and see The View with me!

lisa q. said...
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Anonymous said...

Of course you are! How about that?! :D

Nota Bene said...

Sounds as contented as a cat that's got the cream to me...always good to have a few things just slightly out of reach to keep you on your toes tho'

La Belette Rouge said...

I have 2 out of 10 on your list and I find that they make me less happy than I might have imagined. But, I love this blog topic! I may create my own list of 10( giving you full credit for my inspiration).
And, hooray for your happiness!!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I'm almost done with the psychology degree - can't think why I was arsed to do it really. Most people know enough about human behaviour to see them through life without getting multiple theories and opinions and disciplines to work through before coming to a conclusion about why someone stuck a brick through your window!

You sound so complete, I know exactly what you mean about the boobie job though. Mine scrape the floor and I get carpet burn on me old nipples!

Mom/Mum said...

i'm with you on the boob job. mine were always small, but post-babies and breastfeeding they've to the size of currant buns. My tummy sticks out more than my tits. Outrageous.

Laura said...

What a great list, i love that it's short that is so optamistic (my list would start with learning to spell optamistic lol)

ME said...

Yes, I think it's safe to say you are content! How awesome is that? You know, when you truly appreciate what you do have, unexpected miracles arrive.

Shirley said...

A trip to Ireland and England top my list!

A close second is getting my four daughters raised without any unplanned grandkids! Wait . . . maybe that's #1.

Boobies and tummy tuck will have to wait.

Anonymous said...

I want a housekeeper to come twice a month. That's it. She doesn't even have to do laundry.

Tim Atkinson said...

A psychology degree! Why, AG? Now, if you'd said a *sociology* degree it would be different...

Can Bass 1 said...

Perkier bosoms! Can you say that on the internet?

auntiegwen said...

Annie - I think I'm too scared to really want something in case I'm disappointed, maybe contentment or maybe just settling ?

Soxy - I'd be delighted to come see The View with you, ooh a bloggy night out, gas !

Lisa - better than before but still a way to go baby x

NB - definitely should be kept on my toes, much better that way

La Bellette - thank you, I've worked hard at being happy, Calvinist through and through, me !

Mobs - you can be arsed because of the Calvinist work ethic, we need to keep doing.
Alas, the bosoms !! it's a sad day when you have to tuck them into your socks

Mom/Mum - Give yourself time, your babies are tiny, till my youngest was 10 I looked like an easter egg with legs !

Lolly - or I'm just really boring ?

Craze - ooh, can I have my miracle soon please ? I'd like that, mind you I get overexcited when the Lakeland Catalogue arrives, how would I cope with bone fide miracle ???

Shirley - mmhm, food for thought, I'd like that too

Cece - yep, that'd do me too, good one

Tim - I always wanted one, and I'd look after it nicely, I know it's for life and not just for Christmas

Can Bass - I will try harder not to upset any clergy who pop in from time to time checking up on the heathens !

Working Mum said...

How come the minor things outnumbered the big things?