I have returned from The Beautiful House leaving behind the big round yellow thing in the sky that makes you warm and cheerful. What happened to the summer ? Did it miss me and follow me overseas ? I'm feckin freezing now. Not to mention a tad apprehensive about my new job that starts today, send lots of positive vibes my way.
I may subject you to gratuitous shots of sunshine and the beautiful children, you may hear of daily ice creams consumed whilst lying on a lilo bobbing around in my pool and Bombay Sapphire's and bitter lemon drunk with the sun on my face and peace in my soul. You may be told of how the change of kitchen and vacuum cleaners do me the world of good.
But the best things were the conversations, sat on our terrace my beautiful children and I talked every single day, at breakfast, at lunch, in restaurants every night and after dinner we would walk back to the villa, light the candles, listen to music, sometimes we danced but every single night we talked.
My son told me he felt that he used to make his dad angry all the time when he lived with us and as he put it "Because he doesn't have to have me all the time he likes me more" and how I felt such a surge of sorrow for my beautiful son followed with such a surge of love for him. It is true that they had a very difficult relationship and one of the positives of our new mummy and kids life has been the fact that their relationship has improved.
We spoke about what they wanted to do and their hopes and dreams and aspirations. They asked me what I wished for and I realised that I have everything I want, absolutely everything that is essential for my happiness was there, sat around that table. That is one of my truly precious memories. I love them so very, very much, they are my life and my heart, mo chridhe.
ooooooo - they're gorgeous! what a lovely time. i'm still in the dark about the whole job leaving thing tho!
Thoroughly underrated activity, talking - especially amongst (male) teenagers. How d'you manage it?
A change of scenery works wonders - so many barriers come down in a warm, balmy hypnotic haven. Precious times for all of you to own and lkeep close to your hearts. You are all so very lucky to have each other. It's these qualities that you as a great mother will take forward to your new job today. You are clearly a great people person and of course you are Scottish - what more do you need eh?! All the best today. X
When you talk about your children Auntie, you always make me well up. The love and admiration you have for them leaps out from the writing on your blog. Glad you had nice family time. Back to the real world and arguments and mundane! Good luck with the new job xx
Blimey how they've changed in a year!
Sweet post...very nice, warm feelings from it!
And good luck with the new-fangled job thing; they can be tricky to master, but once broken in generally behave pretty well
Sounds like you had a wonderfully beautiful time! You are all beautiful!
Good luck with the new job!
Hope the job went well.
You soppy woman you! :O)
What gorgeous teens you have, BAGwennie! And your boy seems as if he was going blond in the sun... So lovely.
It is odd how being under foreign skies can make one bizarrely confessional. I am so glad that your holiday was gin-and fun-filled and filled with lovely memories of love... I love your Gaelic expressions, m'dear! x
Sod the men, its the kids what count and like you, I love mine, very very much, they are the most important thing in my life but men are two a penny and most of them useless tossers!
Glad you all had such a good time together. A very touching post indeed.
Yes, where did the summer go? I broke down and bought some summer-y clothes in June - I should have known the warm weather would disappear as soon as I spent my cash on things like sandals and tank tops.
Lovely, thoughtful children, you must be really proud of them.
Good luck re new job. I bet you go in there and knock them bandy.
I know we already texted and stuff but I did always mean to comment!
Those children are just gorgeous and having hugged 33% of them I can say that honestly!
Lovely post - I am so glad you got some good family talks in.
Just counting the hours until I can do a bit of that myself :o) xxx
Yes, I know, this comment is so waaay past old. But I still have to express my sheer delight that your trip went so well. And to wish you belated best wishes for your new job. You probably wouldn't be normal if you didn't worry a bit, but really there's no need. I can't picture you failing even a little bit. :-)
Sue - I had a really rough time just before xmas and I knew I wanted a change, so I finished the school year out and got myself a new job.
Tim - he doesn't often talk about deep stuff but as a family we all talk non stop, always have done
Mob - they are my life's work and I know that in them I am blessed. x
ACTTF - I know, I love them to death and am I ever listed as a mummy blogger, am I feck !
NB - again many thanks for the emails, texts and your very own brand of pep talk, love from your friend the "fat bloater" x
(incidentally if anyone else reads this, especially Grandma in Cyprus, NB did actually call me that when I spoke to him on Monday night)
Lisa - I keep thinking every holiday will be the last with the full complement of them
Mannanan - thank you, it's very different !
Lolly - everyone knows I'm a big fat sopmeister
Fhina - thanks, my ex husbands wee gran was a native Gaelic speaker from the isle of Benbecula between North and South Uist in the Outer Hebrides and I loved her very, very much. She had such a beautiful accent and some of her expressions stayed with me, I miss her muchly.
Looking Fab - yep, my kids mean the world to me and I'm trying to train the son not to be a useless tosser !
Madame - don't worry normal moaning service of my lazy lot will be resumed shortly
Katie - you should know not to buy summer clothes in June, especially if you're going to Orkney for your holidays, you need a cagoule, some wellies and a fleece, that's all !maybe some knickers, but that's it
GG - I am proud and besotted in equal measure, thank you for your good wishes
Penelope - thank you sweetie, have a great holiday and I have written my guest post for your blog already, see how good I am, always did my homework on time too !!! xxx
Shirley - on holiday we were talking about you and your girls and how it would be so cool if we swapped houses next year, not sure your girls would be as keen as my lot were tho !!!!! The job is going to take some getting used to, it's a whole new world, did anyone else hear the Disney tune then too ? No ? Just me ? I'd best be off now ... xx
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