Thursday 6 August 2009

auntie goes away

Just a little note to let you know I'm off to The Mother Country at feckit'searly o'clock in the morning. In case you pop in to look for me and I'm not here.

If you're a bitty bored and your feck count is down or your would you give yourself peace level is dropping or you just miss me, you can

a) text or ring me

b) sulk for a bit at my outrageous selfishness (you know who you are)...

c) go read what I wrote here (no comments on how I am becoming a right old bloggy tart, being unfaithful to agd and putting it about a bit post wise !)

I'm going home to have my fix and will return fully Glasmentalled up with quaint tales of the natives of the little fishing village on The Clyde.


scrappysue said...

have a fun trip! hurry back too!

lisaq said...

I already miss you! Have a great trip!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Hope you are having a good time Hen!

Anonymous said...

The Clyde?? All the rock 'n roll's in Falkirk this weekend baby! xxxx x

auntiegwen said...

Sue - I shall, sadly have to return too quickly

Lisa - thank you the thought of a 6 hour drive with the children does make for a great trip !

Mob - I'm looking forward to being home

Edge - ah yes, Falkirk the spiritual home of rock'n'roll
xxxx x

Mrs P said...

Enjoy your trip. We'll miss you!

Squirmy Popple said...

I love the phrase "Glasmentalled up". Ha!

auntiegwen said...

Rachel - I had to come back for work today sadly :(

Katie - I was very confused, when I arrived on Friday, it was sunny, I had to check I was in the right place ! It was okay though they told us not to be scared on the 6 o clock news, it was just a blip