Wednesday 5 August 2009

I heart Google searches

I love my stats on the google searches of what bring people to my blog. Hours and hours of entertainment !

The pick of this week's bunch is this one, from Tamil Madhu in India, I've left the original spelling.

mifs and aunties hot

Walk right this way...


scrappysue said...

you still got it girl!

Anonymous said...

I don't know half of these gizmos and add-ons exist. Sometimes I'm so square that it's just not hip. Damn and blast.

Nota Bene said...

Now you see, you ask for put a 'milf' tag in. And even I in my infinite innocence know that's just too rude

auntiegwen said...

Sue - unlikely but thanks x

Matthew - if you click on the sitemeter on my blog it will take you to their site and you can put one on your blog

NB - you don't have to put it in the tags, if it's in the text it will appear in searches and as for innocent hah ! rolls eyes and says Would you give yourself peace !

lisaq said...

haha...gotta love that!