Sunday 1 June 2008


I have had to face up to an unwelcome truth today. As much as I try to avoid it with the copious amounts of anti wrinkle cream and the fashionable clothes and the vaguely youthful music, I am getting old.

This morning I noticed a grey hair, and it wasn't on my head.


Dusty Spider said...

Oh go on with you!! Old is a state of mind, not body. Here's a hug if you need one though. (()) Flick x

Frog in the Field said...

I'm the same age, I hate it, feel as though life has passed me by now.
I feel the need to go out and be wild again...of course inside I'm still that art student with a mini skirt, doc martens and blue hair.

Anonymous said...

So was the 'discovery' like that 'sun-lounger' scene from SATC? xx

lisa q. said...

Oh sweetie we're so not old! Here's what I know and always tell my friend when she grumbles about being old. I'm damn sure not old which means you're not since I'm older than you! Smile has just begun!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Well done you on the five miler - what a gaol to achieve. Listen age is all relative - I spent my thirties wishing I wasn't thirty, my forfties wishing the same and then I realised that I'm still young at fifty because being a hundred is old.

DAB said...

Welcome to my world! :) TFX

ME said...

I'll be 42 next month. But I swear turning 40 and the entire year after it were SO HARD ON ME! Hang in there sweetie, this will pass and you'll truly enjoy being in your 40's.

Anonymous said...

I feel the same way, going to be 45 in July. But hey, you ran 5 miles. That is very impressive, shin splints be gone.

Anonymous said...

Been there.... and as Samantha says in SATC, "I can't pluck it 'cos 6 more will come to its funeral!!!!"


Anonymous said...

ps. text me yr email addresss, then i can invite u as a friend on!

auntiegwen said...

Aawh thank you all. I'm so pleased I'm not the only one !!! Very honest of you TF and sexy sixy, I commend you.

A Confused Take That Fan said...

I take it you mean you found a grey eyebrow??

auntiegwen said...

Confused Take That Fan - not one cheap gag from me about your musical taste ! but honey, I must ask, where are your eyebrows ?