Friday, 6 February 2009

Life's little Ironies

My county is covered in snow. My school closed yesterday due to snow for only the second time in it's 600 year history. Everywhere is white, in parts it is at least a foot deep. I don't really like snow, I like the look of it, when I'm inside and I'm warm and dry but I don't like the inconvenience of it.

The Beautiful Children are enjoying this weather muchly, killjoy that I am, am not. My house is awash with damp smelly socks, damp smelly clothes and full of damp weans draped over radiators demanding cups of hot chocolate.

But the real kicker ? I have forked out over £600 for The Beautiful Son to go snowboarding in Switzerland tomorrow. I could have pushed him down the A6 and saved myself a fortune.


Nota Bene said...

So who got out of bed the wrong side this morning?

Anonymous said...

It will be gone soon, then onto Spring!

No big snow fall in Glasgow though. Its just pure freezing!


Anonymous said...

Haha...isn't that the way it always goes? I hate snow. It's supposed to be 73 degrees here today. I'm soooo excited!

Mean Mom said...

I know what you mean. It looks magical at first, but it causes so many problems. I went out yesterday and was slipping and sliding all over the place. I'm staying put today. My boots can't cope.

Middle son is 23 but reverts to an 8 year old, in the snow. I have his wet clothes everywhere, too, from yesterday.

Your son is going to Switzerland, tomorrow? Heavens - where is he flying from? Have you got the huskies ready?

Anonymous said...

Really sorry about the phone call - ran out of battery and one very annoying feature of my phone is that you can't use it while it's charging! You'll have to give me your home no.! Sorry xxx

indigo16 said...

Oh ditto, Believe it or not Daisy too has been in Switzerland this week, we must have mug written all over our foreheads!
I got so sick of laying down and picking up soggy wet newspapers and near death experiences trying to get to work.

Shirley said...

"I could have pushed him down the A6 . . ." ah hahaha!
Maybe I needed a laugh really bad, because that totally cracked me up!
It's odd how we see things so differently as parents than we did as kids. My kids LOVE rain; it just makes ME feel soggy and drab.
Hugs to you, dear girl.

DAB said...

A day of work that sounds good to me! Shame about the Swiss trip - Ouch! Have a fun weekend. Stay warm. TFx

auntiegwen said...

NB - are you implying I'm not all sweetness and light ? How very dare you

Anon - cheers, welcome fellow inhabitant of Glasmental, I miss it, even if it is feckin freezing

Lisa - I love you but best not to tell me it's 73 degrees where you are, that just makes me cranky x

MM - no matter how many times I tell them not to they just take wet clothes off and stick them straight in the laundry basket. Their bathroom smelt awful this am when I went into empty the basket, but glory be to God in the highest, I don't have to share a bathroom with them, that's the only reason I can can cope x

Sixy - no worries, hope baby's feeling better now xx

Alison - this is his 3rd snowboarding trip and he loves it, shame it's such an expensive hobby

Shirley - you should see all the kids here, they are loving it, great big 18 and 19 year olds too ! I am just way too old for this xx

Tf - enjoy your snow days, they don't happen often, I got one myself yesterday and it was fab !!!! xx

ME said...

Snow is pretty - in pictures and on TV!

auntiegwen said...

Craze - not in real life darlin, honest !!!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy the irony!
Lovely emailing and making plans with you last night :o) xxx

Working Mum said...

Your school is closed? I'm so jealous!!!

A Woman Of No Importance said...

Oh, Gwennie, the irony! x

scrappysue said...

i almost peed my pants laughing - that's so funny

Anonymous said...

That was pretty funny, but I have to tell you I absolutely HATE the cold snow like nobody else! How ironic that I live in MN where it's cold and snowy practically eight months out of the year!

Mom/Mum said...

You make me laugh as always AG. Pushed him down the A6...........
funny cos am so used to the snow here in Michigan that i dont even think aboout now...but I am ready for spring to come. I need to see green grass again.
I'd forgotton about radiators in homes over there....gosh I've been in US too long havent I? EEK. x

Anonymous said...

Don't talk to me about snow! House full of soggy kids,tramping slush into my house and leaving every bloody door open! lovely as the snow looks - it hides DOG POO which I walked in, and on into my house!!! AAAAGHHHHHH!!! Mxx

Dusty Spider said...

But it wouldn't be the same for him would it! Come on you know you love being able to do it for him. Chin up! Soon be spring. Flick xx