Friday 1 May 2009

Directions to Doves

You know how I always tell you I'm a lucky, lucky girl ? All right lucky, lucky middle aged woman, tonight my lovely friend is taking me to see Doves at the Brixton Academy, streemly citing for an auntie who doesn't get out much.

The plan is I drive to lovely friend in White Stiletto and Fake Tan Land (and that's just the men !) and then we go by tube. Please read some extracts from the emails (3 in total) that gave me directions.

Don't take the A10 off the motorway...your sat nav might suggest that.

When you come off the motorway it's come to a roundabout wher you sort of go straight on/go leftish but not much. Then you're on the A121

and I replied

Sat nav !
Would you give yourself peace ! I only go to work, the supermarket and my mothers, I have no need of a sat nav, I have no life, you read my blog and know that.
I did laugh (out loud) at your directions of
"When you come off the motorway it's come to a roundabout wher you sort of go straight on/go leftish but not much."

and then he replied

yes..mmm...erm I think I'm totally misleading you...I think the road bends to the left and then you have to take a sharp right...then you get to the straight onish leftish bit....just don't quote me

So, I wonder if I'll find his house or if I'll be left wandering in deepest darkest WSAFT Land.

No, I'm not wondering why men drive around and won't admit they're lost, not at all !


Frankies' Cornish Farmyard Ramblings said...

Well Auntie, you have got this far in life, relying on oneself I reckon you look up on a map before you leave and go. You will find where your going perfectly because thats what Auntie does!
Have a great time

DAB said...

Get a taxi! Have a fab gig :) TFx

Laura said...

lol. Does he make maps for a living? :O)

Have a great gig ( I've never heard of them so that makes us even on the whole "Wicked" thing lol)

Shirley said...

How absolutely timely! I've been watching entirely too much Hugh Grant on YouTube lately (did you know people post whole movies on there? -- a fantastic waste of time) and those directions sound so Hugh-ish, it's . . . NO! Wait . . . your friend isn't . . . he isn't . . . nah . . . nevermind.

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Oh he sounds like he writes out the routes for those sat nav's to be programmed in. So it's his fault that drivers find themselves and their vehicles up to their necks in dank fetid water! Hah, men and directions! Hope you enjoyed the Academy. It's a long time since I lived down that way. X

Nota Bene said...

Now far be it for me to get into a squabble, but as every good politician would say, "I've been quoted completely out of context" And may I add, when I say "when you come to the traffic lights at the Fiat garage, turn left", there's no point in ringing me when you're half way to the Antarctic, to say "Which Fiat garage?"

More anon

Anonymous said...

Blimey! That makes my directions look straightforward then!
Hope you had a fabulous time dahhhling! xx

Anonymous said...


Hope you had a good time!

auntiegwen said...

Frankie - I nearly got there, I did have to ring him though !

TF - it was tremendous

Lolly - you've got to youtube them, they're ace

Mob - it was a fab venue, real character

NB - your directions nearly got me there and I know that you love the fact that I had to ring for help

Penelope - I did, I wondered if I should pop in and see you because I think everyone down south lives 5 minutes away !!! yes, I do know you're nowhere near Brixton !!! xx

Dutchy - twas goodly good thank you