Wednesday 20 May 2009

Reasons to be cheerful part 2 of 3

I am going on holiday on Friday.

Where I am going will be sunny.

Again, holiday and sunny.

No hate mail please.


Francisco Castelo Branco said...


I want invite you to join a discussion about UK in my blog

The address is

Thank you

Neil said...


I wannae invite ye tae join a chinwag aboot sneeky fags and aw that in my kitchen, no ma blog.

The address is as always...

Cheers doll...

Mean Mom said...

Have a good time on your sunny holiday!

Tim Atkinson said...

Send us a postcard!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Ya lucky wee toerag! Another holiday when I am yet to have one at all this year!

Have a good one Auntie....X

sixpence said...

I fold up quite small and would be both useful and decorative in any vacationer's lodgings.

When does our flight leave?

lisaq said...

No. No, hate love. Only just a wee bit of jealousy. :-D

Anonymous said...


DAB said...

I want to invite you to invite me to join you on your hoilday. Please adopt me as your 4th child ;-) TFx

Nota Bene said...

You're a raggerdy rascal aren't you?

Working Mum said...

Okay then, as my mum says, "If you can't say something nice, then say nothing at all" so I'll shut up.

(Seriously, have a great time!)

A Woman Of No Importance said...

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, hate...


Kara said...

Enjoy your sunshine! We're almost getting too much of it here...Sunburns all over the place. =)

auntiegwen said...

Francisco - thank you

Edge - thank you

MM - no invitation to discuss anything ? Nope, sure ?

Tim - has it arrived yet ?

MOb - ah yes the joys of the family holiday ...

Sixy - you wouldn't leave your boys !!!!

Lisa - you have an open invite

Mud - I feel the same when you jet off to the Far East

TF - thank you for the invitation, you are officially adopted, we go back in July, come then x

NB - that's a very old fashioned saying for a 37yr old

WM - I shall thank you, the change of kitchen always does me good

Fhina - thank you me dear x

Kara - can you ever have too much sunshine ? Would you like to visit your auntiegwen and have some rain, my pet ? x