All credit to BeeLikeJ as that's where I pinched that lovely quote and pic from. And with the greatest of thanks to Jacey, you can in fact click HERE and see my number 1 in all his glory, yes, my dear sweet readers, it is, the divine Mr David Tennant. Oh be still my beating heart.
I wouldn't say no to Ewan McGregor either, many thanks to fanpop for the gratuitous kilt porn. Many thanks to Queensjoy who made the Ewan graphic that somehow ended up on fanpop where I pinched it from.

I could also be tempted by the very lovely Craig Ferguson, once half of Bing Hitler now a chat show host in America. Bit of a theme emerging here.

And how could I say no to Gerard Butler, he took his mammy to the premiere too, are you loving the kilt porn?

Last but no means least, who could resist Sharleen, especially in her Elvis gear?
Okay, so who's going to have a go? Obviously you don't have to pick 5 Scottish people, you'll probably want to but it's not compulsory.
Ooookkaaayy!! I like this idea ;) I shall create my own :P (ooh what fun thinking up all the shaggable men!) go with all your choices but sorry auntiegwen :( David Tennant just doesn't feature for me AT all!
Please still be my friend LOL xx
VR - I'm so glad he doesn't, sure he'd be mad busy if he had to do you and me...
Oooh I've been looking forward to the post all day! Not sure I go for all the kilts, but Ewan does fit his rather nicely....
LFBS - ooh Ewan, he's not too shabby is he?
I love craig Ferguson, miss him on Brit TV. He's better looking than his sister lol.
Hmmmmmm! Sharleen.
Lolly - poor Lynn, she's nice though. The Sharleen does it every time :)
Oh, Gwen. That picture of David! Downloaded! Well, they say big things grow from little ventures....but, I'd still give him one...!
It's nice to see patriotism in the bedroom.....but I think it's being surrounded with Scottish males voices constantly in the house that I've fancied international escapisms. No matter how they pronounce Auchtermuchty! I'll give my list a try tomorrow. Get ready with the sick buckets ladies.....lol
ummm David Tennant. What is it about that man that makes me go weak at the knees?
I hope this is open to your male correspondents? Too late! Here goes: the delicious Jenni Falconer, adds a sparkle to my TV screen any day; Carol Smillie has one of those disarming smiles, like her name hints at; the way pentathlete Steph Cook looks at you rather coyly gives me a tingle; Annie Lennox is simply class and Lulu looking ab fab at 61! Then there's the extraordinarily witty, shrewd, observational, sensitive Patron Saint of the weary and bewildered... Auntigwen. And guess what, (although I've chosen six - forgive me) they're all Scottish lasses. XX
Not being single, I refuse to comment on the grounds that I haven't been fed yet!
Lena - I'll look forward to yours hen :)
Heather - I think he's delish too and he's not too young either and most definitely NOT gay (that's for my friend NB who always says he is)
RLS - aawh thank you kindly, Lulu looks absolutely amazing and I've met Carol Smillie and she is genuinely lovely and friendly, so pleased you went for our lovely Scottish lassies :) xx
Jon - that cracked me up, ok we'll feed you, dish your 5, Mrs Jon can play too!
Kilts ! Oh my !
Brings back memories of a party ... sigh ...
I did Plastic Joy http://kelloggsville.blogspot.com/2010/04/plastic-joy.html where I announced I was happy to shag Shrek - he's Scottish is he not :0)
l was just leaving Fhinas when l spied SHAG list and couldnt resist it...as l need t compile a shag list uber fast for obvious reasons non?
l take it this wish list has some hopes of happening or els l shan't bother...gerry oh gerry...
l darent write what l;m thinking......oh er....l'm going all Dick Emery....
saz x
Oh I'd go along with your list...although maybe I'm a bit old for these...but I can dream! I have a thing at the moment for Philip Glenister who plays DCI Gene Hunt in Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes. He's not conventionally fanciable...but there's just something about him that makes me go weak at the knees!
(Apologies for previous deleted post...too many typos)
M a M - oh yes, you gotta love a man in a kilt and a man at a kilt at a party? they're the best kind :)
Kellogsville - I do believe that Shrek was Scottish, someone once told the ex mr auntiegwen he looked like the handsome Shrek!
Saz - I very much doubt I would have any chance of getting to shag anyone on my list, these would be my selections if someone decreed a "shag anyone you like day" which I would be happy to participate in if I was the one doing the choosing, bit worried about who would choose me!
Ayak - I can see that, very manly :)
Love all your choices although I preferred craig in his younger years and his leather trousers. Sigh. I think you should be able to choose which year of shaggability as well, much like a vintage wine. Ewan circa Trainspotting really does it for me too.
I'd just put David Tennant. Who is this Matt Smith bloke pretending to be the Doctor?
On second thought, Daniel Craig could feature. In dinner suit, of course. Well, to start with......
oooh..have been thinking about this all day (brightened things up no end) and have decided that although I have never even spoken to a man in a kilt, they sure do look sexy..and gerard butler? absof--kinglutely.But because I'm ancient I would also have to include some oldies in my list....Maxim de Winter in Rebecca
and Marlon Brando in on the waterfront....and loads of others too ...mmm this could take some time...
posting tomorrow...!!!!
Katyboo - oh yes, a woman after my own heart, indeed Craig in his leather trousers would be much better (he has weirdly skinny calves, I saw him during the Edinburgh festival fringe in The Odd Couple and he was wearing shorts, can't remember if he was doing Walter or Jack's role but I do remember being disappointed in his legs, I was very young) and def with you on year of shaggability, although Ewan does it for me most years :)
WM - oh yes, he seems to be a popular choice, I'm happy to leave Daniel Craig all for you, generous wee scone aren't I?
Libby - oh yes, we should do a literary shag list too, all the book characters we lust after, excellent idea :) how highbrow we are my dear
Saz - looking forward to it :)
Is it too late to add Marco Pierre White and Alastair Campbell? see a day later and I'm still thinking about it!!
Not sure about the rest, but Gerard Butler... ummm...
Men in dresses turns you on? Weird.
I actually made the Ewan graphic. any chance of proper credit? It some how ended up on fanpop. :(
Queensjoy - I have amended the text, sorry fanpop stole it.
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