Friday 6 August 2010

Things I'd rather not hear

BBD - auntieangela and I saw who you used to babysit for. She's a granny now. That's just grand, thanks for that

EBD - your son does tricks for smarties, I made him pretend to be a dog, he rolled over, gave paws, the lot. Cheers. I'm so proud.

M6 info board - long delays between J23 and J20 (they are feckin liars it was J24 and 18, bastards that they are, I concur most heartily with my friend Edge about the M6)

TBS - that wee light showing on your dashboard means there's an engine malfunction. Feckity feckity feck.

Mad Mother - Could you go on the computer and get me and Gadget Mad Dad a flight to Turkey? Fuckity fuckity fuck.


Velveteen Rabbit said...
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Velveteen Rabbit said...

that has made me giggle for the first time in days :D auntiegwen you're a legend!

Looking for Blue Sky said...

Oh I so hate those engine malfunction lights, and as for those pesky M-way delays, I'd rather BE a granny than sit in one!

Ayak said... of those days then? :-(

Sueann said...

I see! Having fun are we?? Ha!

A Woman Of No Importance said...

I hope you're having a fab time, hen... I know it's not easy, but then someone has to deal with the rellies, and you drew the short straw... Love, toodles xxx

Gigi said...

Can I add one to your list, please? I'd rather not be on my way home from work (on a Friday no less) that the power is out when it's 95 degrees outside!

Just start saying "la-la-la-la-la! I can't hear you!" when people start talking to you - because nine times out of ten you DON'T want to hear what they have to say.

libby said...

You need a pink fizz and a toblerone....and I bet being in the mother country is already making you smile..x

Mrs Worthington said...

how about something you would like hear? David Tennant has called and will round with the gin and toblerone in a jiffy... Have fun back in the fold

Nota Bene said...

Hear no evil, etc....

Rarelesserspotted said...

"Your son does tricks for Smarties?" I not laughed like this for a long time. What would he do for a Toblerone? My car was in the garage yesterday after the eldest boy borrowed my car and a mysterious 'engine emissions malfunction light' just happened to come on. It's like things only go wrong with my computer AFTER the kids have been on it.
Welcome back

AGuidingLife said...

not only do the boards lie, the people typing into them are watching you at a standstill 2 junctions earlier on their wee cameras and peeing themselves laughing - another joyful day in AG Land - chin up chuck!

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

Thank you for the giggles!

Madame DeFarge said...

Stick your fingers in your ears. Might make typing a bit difficult, but makes the world a better place.

auntiegwen said...

Vr - glad to be of service :)

LFBS - I am the most impatient woman in the world in traffic

Ayak - yep, one of those weeks, sadly

SueAnn - fun's a word for it, not one I'd choose myself mind...

Fhina - I love my parents, I really do, but booking flights for them is a 3 ring circus!!!

Gigi - you're right, no one in my life really wants to hear what I have to say, so lucky to have other bloggers who will listen xx

Libby - ah yes, it was great to be home :) xx

Mrs W - now that is a cheery thought :) xx

NB - yep, I'll shut up now

RLS - light still on, but it's going in on Thursday to be mended

Kellogsvilee - you're so right, they'd have been hysterical on Friday xx

Becca - lovely to hear from you again xx

Madame - my fingers should be permanently in my ears!!