Friday 10 September 2010

I'm so proud...

Hot Boy won £79 pounds on the lottery on Wednesday, he texted EBD to tell her and also to say he was going to spend it all on lottery tickets as it seemed like free money. He went on to say he hoped he won so he could give half to her and she wouldn't have to go to university. (It's been a teeny tiny bit tense chez auntiegwen as Hot Boy is more than a little rattled about EBD forthcoming departure.)

The mummy worry meter turned itself on...

ag - "But, you'd still go to uni even if you had a million, wouldn't you?"

snorting EBD - "Hell no, why would I bother?"

The mummy worry meter cranked up to mild disconcertedness...

ag - "What would you do all day?"

and without missing a beat, a peko second later came this reply,

EBD - "Prance round my new pool on my pony"

My Presbyterian work ethic's completely bypassed that child then.


Nota Bene said...

Marvelous...she has her priorities exactly right. Tell Hot Boy to crank up the band and start recording..

Ayak said...

Can't say I blame her frankly...but I know how you feel!

Sueann said...

Ah! Lottery dreams..I love it!!

Curry Queen said...

Boy I sympathise with that one! I know I'd do the same as EBD but I'd feel like you if my DD suggested it...

Rarelesserspotted said...

Well you have to admire her planning and determined single mindedness. She's obviously someone who has thought carefully about the opportunities available through winning the lottery with the chance to look after animals (the pony) and keep herself fit (the pool). However, as this Government is determined to take everyone's money off them and make them unemployed, her millions will earn no interest and there'll be three million applicants for the jobs to clean the pool and sweep up after the pony leaving her with lots of overheads and no money after a relatively short period of time. She may as well get an education instead!

Laura said...

RORFL that's the funniest answer I've heard in ages!! *High five EBD*

AGuidingLife said...

Is the pool on the pony or is she sat on a pony at a pool either way I don't think she thought the image through too well or maybe that's just me!!!

Looking for Blue Sky said...

No mention of Hot Boy in the lottery win dream, just a pony and a pool. Does this mean anything?

auntiegwen said...

Dearest all

apparently she always wanted a pony, who knew?

ps not sure why she wants a swimming pool, not in this climate

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

It's nice to have a dream.


A Woman Of No Importance said...

Ride a pony on a boat, I think Lyle Lovett (sp?) may have beaten her to that overdose of smartness ;) x

Anonymous said...

Now that's a life plan I can agree with!!