Sunday 14 June 2009

Reasons to be cheerful part 4

I got a new washing machine, I am very pleased about that. I was running out of knickers and somedays I had to wear non matching lingerie, shameful isn't it ?

The sun is shining again and I got a squillion loads of laundry done and dried outside, I am currently in bed in beautifully fresh smelling sheets. Yes, I probably am very sad.

I had a very good weekend, a gorgeous al fresco lunch on Saturday with 2 large glasses of pink fizzy and a really delish honeycomb cheesecake for pudding. I had great company and I managed to not make an arse of myself, not too shabby is it ?

I have been offered a fantastic new job, and it's not in the classroom.

auntiegwens wee cup of happiness runneth over.


Nota Bene said...

You so deserved all that..and more!

softinthehead said...

Snap, I got offered a lovely "little" job this week too. If you are sad, then so am I, two of my favourite things, hanging my washing outside and a fresh bed with fresh air dried sheets. MMmmm

Shirley said...

Your wee cups runneth over . . . maybe that's why you were getting all the breast comments! ;-)

I am sooo pleased for you, AG! Please, purty please tell about the new job.

Anonymous said...

Such great news!!! Loved our chat on Saturday - hope I didn't make you late? Ages since I laughed so hard! xxx

lisaq said...

I could use some cheerful. May I borrow some please? :-)

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Oh congratulations on the new jobie! Nice to hear that things are on the up for you. Now that's not too shabby at all!

OhMyMissRebeccaJane said...

Hey girl, thank you..though NB's facts were not correct and he has changed it..I will be writing about it in the next couple of days x

Anonymous said...

Good stuff !

Laura said...

Woo hoo! A new job. Are you going to take it?

DAB said...

I'm so happy to hear some good news. Well done. Go on spill the beans on this new job, we won't tell nobody. :)))) TFx

sixpence said...

Really glad to hear about the job. xx

auntiegwen said...

NB - that's a truly lovely thing to say, thank you x (ps is it really you ? )

Softy - aawh congrats to you on the job too x

Shirley - I'm not going to be a teacher or a nurse, how weird will that be ?

Penelope - it was so funny, next time we'll do it face to face and add wine ! xx

Lisa - you have as much of my cheerful as you want sweetie xx

Mob - I was pleased, it was the only other job I'd applied for and the interview was so easy compared to the other one for the job I didn't get in March, so life's good xx

Becka - hope you're doing okay xx

LKSN - cheers me dear ! x

Lolly - unless a very rich man wants to keep me as a plaything I feel I have to unless I give up eating and the children and stuff !!!

TF - it's not a teaching post, strange stuff for me x

Sixy - thanks, you said something would turn up and it did, look into that crystal ball and tell me when either of the Davids are gonna show up ?