The people are friendly and funny (well, most of us are. Some are a bit po faced, just avoid them, they're probably incomers)
The cities have amazing architecture, really good shops, Princes Square in Glasgow is so beautiful.There are masses of galleries/museums and suchlike, most of which are free.
I can tell you good places to go in Glasgow & Edinburgh, special hints and tips on hotels, bars, restaurants, clubs (who am I kidding it's been at least 2 decades since my booty was shook - I can tell you nice places to get cake though) that's never to be sniffed at, cake is very cheering.
We have lovely food and great restaurants. It's not all deep fried mars bars.
I can do good shop porn for you. In George St in Edinburgh there's a Space NK, Jigsaw, LK Bennett and a gorgeous jeweller called Lime Blue in an almost unbroken run. How good is that?
You are allowed to go round peoples houses on a Sunday afternoon in open house sale viewing. I always go to very posh places in the New Town and pretend I'm moving back. I love a good nosey round someones house. What? like I didn't sell 3 houses in Edinburgh and have nosey people coming round to look at my house? I'm entitled
A rugby match at Murrayfield with drinking after is a not too shabby way to spend an afternoon.
If there's rugby, there'll be kilts, men in kilts are so sexy, are you needing some kilt porn to entice you? May I present for your delectation... Chris Cusiter

You'd be disappointed if he didn't make an appearance, wouldn't you?

If you want to do outdoorsy type stuff, you can go walking, climbing, fishing, skiing, hitting a ball with a stick (I believe you Y chromosone people call it golf?) You can even do surfing (that might be a wee bit chilly)
We have beautiful beaches, shut up, we do so


Come visit, you'll love it
Happy St Andrews Day
david tennant in a kilt - u just made my day!
Love Scotland! I managed a St Andrew's Ball in Singapore on Friday. Ridiculously Scottish, but the local Singaporean contingent were slightly suspicious of their haggis....
I LOVED my visit to Scotland 6 years ago (wow - has it been that long??). We had the nicest weather there of everywhere we went in the UK, and were amazed at how many Scots had been to our corner of Canada. The scenery was lovely, the history was fascinating, the people were just so kind and friendly - although I must admit, sometimes I had no idea what they were actually saying - and I will be back one day, I'm certain!
Can't wait.....have only been to Edinburgh so far and that hooked me..Happy St Andrews Day xxx
Men in skirts...I may get confused
Sue - oh yes I give good kilt porn :)
Mud - oh I love a good strip the willow !!!
Pinklea - so pleased you did, Canada is on my wish list, you can give me tips on where to go
Libs - we should so do a weekend in The Mother Country
NB - again
Aye its no a bad place tae stay. :)
I'm further North than Glasgow or Edinburgh but my fave place to go shopping/visiting is Glasgow. :D
Happy St Andrews day Auntie Gwen xx
It's one of the places that has been on my wish list forever! Once I get there though (and I will get there) I would love to have a personal tour guided by yours truly!
As you know I love Scotland hugely and would happily live there, well as long as I could winter in the Maldives!!
I made my family go on holidays to Sandwood Bay when I was young (well near it) after seeing a's actually a long walk and was full of jelly fish rather than people, breathtakingly beautiful, but a bit cold for me xx
Looks and sounds very welcoming!! And the kilt alone may be worth the price of admission!! Ha!
Thanks for David Tenant in his kilt. A little sexy ray of sunshine on a rainy day here.
I've been to Ediburgh (nearly bought a sword) Moffat (not sure if it's got two 't's) Loch Kilchurn, Oban, Mull, Aberdeen and the Shetlands. I'd move there tomorrow.
I do like men in kilts, thank you for that. I even like bagpipes actually, although I am wholly english and only acquired a scottish surname by marriage. I loved all the bits of Scotland I have visited so far (St Andrews - a friend went to uni there; Edinburgh; Aberdeen and Inverness). I would definitely go back, but I will fly next time; the drive is tooooo long.
Happy St Andrew's Day!
I love, love, love Scotland and have travelled all over. We once B&Bd round Scotland for a few weeks once summer. We stayed with amazing people from the lovely family in Nairn who gave us homemade shortbread when we arrived to the fisherman's wife in Mallaig who gave us melt in the mouth kippers for breakfast (and had a stag that used to walk through her garden!) to the old woman in Callander who got drunk on whisky and flirted with my husband!! That was an eventful holiday!
Happy Saint Andrews day to you as well. I only discovered Scotland a dozen years ago but I fell in love with the place straight away. In fact there is a certain place on the Isle of Skye called Trumpan which is my favourite place on the planet. Sunday soup at The Stein Inn overlooking Loch Bay just has to be one of the best things ever. It was here where we brought the Millennium in. Beautiful!!!!!
do they take their socks and shoes off before 'doing it'? and if so it must take ages to unlace that lot by which time I'd just be plain bored and flicking the remote and saying "can't be arsed now, Corries on" ... I can't see the whole Scottish man thing working out for me. Golf, a good walk spoilt. xx
Don't forget the ice-cream in Musselburgh. Good enough for anyone.
Did I once describe David Tennant as being too skinny? I take it all back! Happy St Andrews Day!
I have a Scottish grandparent (macfarlan) and yet have never been to Scotland - my granny frequently wore a beautiful purple kilt and I have always longed for one the same ... would love to pick heather, wear a kilt, see men in kilts, visit those beaches, all that stuff - it sounds excellent.
Can I come stay, please, oh go on, just for a couple of (years) days. :)
xx Sandi
It's NOT a f*****g 'stick'!!!
Taz - ooh I'll have to come visit you, I love going further North
Gigi - oh please do, my friend Neil says one of the best holidays he ever had was showing an American around Scotland for a few weeks, he recommends it as a great way to appreciate how lovely your own country is
Alison - true, it can get a bit nippy
LFBS - you can't have everything, if Scotland had a med type climate, you'd never go anywhere else
SueAnn - kilts make most things worthwhile for me:)
LRH - oh it's snowing here, glad you liked the David :)
AM - a sword? pray tell...
Alienne - yep, I don't mind it in the summer but I'm a lot less keen in the snow and ice
WM - that sounds brilliant fun, can I come next time?
Mannanan - thats sounds just beautiful, not a bad way to start the century, is it?
Kellogsville - no, we just lift the kilt and away you go ;)
Madame - we have good ice cream don't we - De Luca's? or even Nardini's? ooh the choice
CQ - I know what you mean, he is a bit on the slender side but I still heart him
Betty - oh yep, I'll take all of those too please
Sandi - oh yes please do, you come and stay with your auntie for as long as you like
Neil - calm down, keep your slanket on
Great post and lovely pics. I've had three holidays in Scotland and enjoyed them all tremendously except for midges in Pitlochrie (nightmare!) I found the po faced bit a generational thing. No porn shops round here any more - it's all internet bought or on-line viewing (so I'm told!)
Me reckons you should work for the Tourist Board of Scotland Autiegwen :) We spent our honeynoon playing golf in Scotland! What? I know, I know I was in love! ;-)
RLS - sssh don't tell the others about the midges ! x
TF - you must have been right enough x
Agree - it's a gorgeous place to be. (Although, it's very cold just now.)
That beach is awesome. House viewing is a new thing for me.
I am yet to travel out of my country, but one day I will make it and scotland is in my wish list too.
Subu (A travel blogger from India)
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