Thursday, 25 June 2009

auntiegwens guide of what to do lesson 1 - Parenting - the pre teen years

As some of you may know I have 3 children. I had my 3 children in the space of 4 and a half years. I knew nothing of how to bring up kids, nothing at all. Take heart - they and I have survived.

Tell them you love them every single day. Tell yourself that too.

Find something to praise them for daily. I know this can be tough, feel for me, I have teenagers.

Accept that your pre child ideas of parenting will not happen. You know your own particular brand of parenting snobbery. These usually go something like "I'll never allow..." Mine were chocolate biscuits and snot. I failed. On both counts.

Gina feckin Ford and her contented little baby is a big fat lie. Gina feckin Ford has not had a baby of her own, contented or otherwise. Therefore I feel that Gina feckin Ford should shut the feck up.

When children are quiet then something is afoot. You can either enjoy the peace whilst it lasts, take 5 to do what you love to do, flick though a magazine, eat a hobnob, go to the toilet all by your own self and accept that you will have to deal with the consequences later or you can go investigate immediately and perform damage limitation. You pays your money you takes your choice.

Small children will believe just about anything if you say it with enough authority. Enjoy this stage when you are the most clever person they know. You will be usurped when they fall in love with their primary school teacher. Then every sentence will start with "Miss Primary School teacher says..." You won't care for their tone.

When small children are fractious tell them it's because they need a poo. If you use enough authority in your voice (point 6) they will go and sit on the loo. This will give you 5 or maybe even 10 minutes if you're lucky for the situation to diffuse (this is much better than free time as in point 5). Then you can either praise them for performing or trying (point 2)

Like puppies they need the holy trinity of fresh air, exercise and boundaries. I wouldn't advise smacking them on the nose with a rolled up newspaper though. Social services don't like that.

No one will love your kids or be interested in them like you are, I found this very hard to believe when I had the world's most perfect and beautiful child and I wanted to share her magnificence with the world. Imagine my surprise when I found that other people felt that their child was the world's most perfect and beautiful and they wanted to tell me all about it.

It matters not a jot at what age they walk, talk, crawl, cut a tooth, get potty trained etc. This does not make your child a genius nor is this a sign of them going to be President of the world. I have taught an awful lot of teenagers, even the most stupid of them could walk, talk and go to the toilet.


Shirley said...

You've become a very wise woman, my dear. They tell me we'll get even smarter with grandkids, but I think I can wait.

Working Mum said...

Thank you for the benefit of your wisdom, AG. I shall treasure your words. :)

Anonymous said...

"Small children will believe just about anything if you say it with enough authority"

so do most senior business men.....

lisaq said...

Nicely done! One additional point...parenting never, ever ends. Mine are in their 20s and some days it's as if they're still 6...

Laura said...

Who's Gina Ford? :O)

Madame DeFarge said...

This explains my parents so well. I'm going to sue them for neglect. But then my mum was a primary school teacher and nothing could get past her.

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

All oh so true.


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Teenagers = talk! Get out of here! Grunts just about did it around here. You are so right about the competitive mummy thing - all that 'my son was only three weeks old and he solved a mathematical equation that his daddy and I were just flummoxed with. What a clever little poppet he is, he'll no doubt find a cure for cancer when he's ten, shortly after competing his medical degree 15 years earlier than normal!'

Can't bear those pushy compeitive saddos that push their children. Great post, had a good belly laugh at it.

Helena said...

How true the last paragraph is. Some health visitors set their own time standards of when small children should be doing this or that by such an age. It panics some mothers.

I have a teenage nephew who attends an all boys school, where his sister was sent to the local high school. The lad has been raised by his father's standards. A mini-me if you like. He's sadly not your typical teenager and not a likable lad. He always had his fathers expectations to live by. I might blog about him one day. You wouldn't believe some of it.

auntiegwen said...

Shirley - shouldn't I just be in charge of the world ?

WM - oh yes, your auntie is pleased to share the wisdom, that's why I blog, you see, public spirited is the cut of my jib.

Mud - and that's why you're so successful !

Lisa - we know they revert back and it never ends !

Lolly - she's the antichrist (not really) just some wifie who's made a feckin fortune being bossy about weans. No, I'm not jealous at all

Madame - ah yes, the teacher Mummy, a species all on their own (mea culpa)

Suzanne - all lessons learned my dear, I have earned my mummy stripes !

Mob - I spend many years listening to all that kind of talk, years and years

Lena - how's you hen ? yep, let rip on your weird family, I'd have no blog if it wasn't for mine