Eighteen years ago today, my real job started. After a spectacularly quick labour (3 hours and 20 minutes, yes, I can be that efficient) my beautiful eldest daughter was born. This was the dream baby who slept when she should, ate what was given her and smiled from morning to night. I jokingly call her my practise child, despite my inexperience my mistakes don't seem to have mattered. I used to say that she was my heart wrapped up in a nappy.
For every single day of those 18 years years she has brought me nothing but the deepest sense of love and the most profound happiness. She is genuinely the sweetest mixture of part adult part baby and is just extremely happy and loves life.
She is just about to fly the nest, God willing. She will go off and live the life I have given her. I have found her a beautiful necklace that is inscribed "May all your wildest dreams come true"
So my darling girl, that is what I wish for you, I want all your wildest dreams to come true because I love you more than words can say because you are mo cridhe. My heart.
Happy Birthday EBD - the world is your oyster!
Very happy birthday EBD...celebrate well and long! And congratulations tro you AG for your splendid and successful efforts....
Happy and joyous birthday to you!!! Life is just beginning for you. Take it all in and enjoy!
Sweetheart - that's so lovely. Wishing you all a wonderfully celebratory day!
I am too pending an 18th birthday. I can't decide whether to celebrate a job well done or cry that she will be leaving soon. Having two more does not seem to help at all.
Re, your post about disturbing photographs, this is a subject I deal with all the time. Although some images can haunt, I do feel they should reach as wide an audience as possible. The world needs to know, that we are impotent in the face of such brutality is depressing beyond belief. I was heartened when Leyla came home and told me she had written to someone in China about putting an end the the barbaric practise of extracting bear bile. The letter won't make a jot of difference, but at least she is trying and it is that hope that drives us to at least try and educate.
ahhhh, that's lovely - Happy Birthday EBD x
A very happy birthday to your daughter. She looks and sounds a credit to you!
Well done.
Happy Birthday EBD! My Angel is also 18 this year and it will be a happy and poignant day. I'd do it all over again if I could x
Congratulations, mummy, on a job almost done.
That is lovely, and I am positive that *she* is a credit to *you!*
Now break out the cake, ice cream and jelly! Time for a party!
Warm hugs and birthday quiches from Kitty xo
Happy Bday EBD!!! Well done for putting up with Wendy as a mum for 18 years :O)
Hmmmhhh..us women eh? sighing or crying or laughing....God bless us one and all..Happy Birthday EBD and auntiegwen!
Happy birthday EBD. Would like to think that my mum would have written the same about me. Lovely
Happy Birthday to the EBD. She hasn't turned out like this by accident AG. Your comments show what a devoted wonderful mother you are and with that love and humour, EBD has the ideal basis for whatever standards in life she decides are the most positive way forward in making her a 'good person'
Well done Auntie Gwen but your job is not over yet it will just be different. She looks & sounds beautiful - all testament to her mum
Well done Auntie Gwen but your job is not over yet it will just be different. She looks & sounds beautiful - all testament to her mum
Happy Birthday EBD!
I had planned to never let my boys leave home, but the sensible option would be to prepare them for life, like you have x
aww - beautifully written wendy - happy birthday to EBD and as one previous commenter said - your job has ended it's just changed. someone once said it moves from management to consultancy - so true!!!
scrappysue (blonde child forgot to sign out - what damage can i do while she's signed on eh???
OMG Auntie. I have dramatic disney music playing in the background (peter pan) that worked a treat as I read that, now I am blubbing. I can only hope to be as good a mummy to my daughters as you are...
I love the way you describe it as having your heart wrapped up in a nappy. So true!
What a beautiful daughter you've grown
Don't they just grow up so fast? My oldest is 18 this year and about to take his driving test. TOO FAST. Your daughter is gorgeous. Hadn't realised we both write for MMM site.....just letting you know about my new blog site Lx
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