I am truly shocking at keeping up with the awards and tags given to me. If I've missed doing your tag, just mail and let me know, my middle aged memory is not what it was and if I've forgotten my homework, just remind me. Apologies for all delays etc, I will always get around to them, eventually. As with all these things, they're open to all who read, I'd be interested to read all of your responses. Please have an award, mine came love from Tuppence.
I know that Looking for Blue Sky definitely tagged me for 15 confessions and Tuppence wanted 7 unknown things (I can't believe I have anything unknown left!) Gigi also wanted my 5 years.
15 confessions
I'm scared of missing planes.
My son is screamingly funny.
I hate unfairness.
I don't understand the Clyde Tunnel, I understand tunnels per se but I can't figure out where the water is near that one. I am ashamed of how many people have explained (in tones you'd use on a 6 year old) to me.
As well as this, I am trying to sort out flights for my parents to come to Turkey with me in October, this is probably the most stressful thing I do in my life, I am my parents own personal travel agent, they are SO unbelievably hard to please in this respect only.
Before I die I would like to shag David Tennant
I can make a fabulously sinful Baileys cheesecake, I am ace at cakes and puds, naff all else in the culinary department.
My default personality is happy, it takes a huge amount to get me down.
I can't play any musical instruments.
I think you should listen to more indie music, glamorous,indie rock n roll is what I need. Extra points if you name the song and band.
I think you shouldn't listen to anyone who reads The Daily Mail or as my mate Matthew at Abode 123 calls it, The Daily Heil.
I would like to learn how to manage my money properly, I am truly pants with cash, all them years married to a banker and I have not a notion of money.
I particularly like to eat any semi spicy veggie food.
I drink coffee by the gallon, pink and gin in the summer, red in the winter and fizzy at the drop of a hat.
When I was little I watched Mary Mungo and Midge and Mr Ben.
7 Unknown Things
I have never been off work ill in my life, I am disgustingly healthy.
I still have a teddy my aunt bought me the day I was born, he is called Michael.
The first album I bought was Parallel Lines by Blondie.
I was bought a rabbit as a 40th birthday present.
I don't like patterned or coloured bed linen, mine is always plain white.
I'm usually always late, except for work, I'm always early for work.
I have a really filthy mind.
Five years
5 years ago I was living here, my children were 13, 10 and 8, I was married to my husband of 17 years, I was buying my holiday home abroad, I was working as a pre school teacher and as a childcare lecturer. I was probably the same size as I am now but it was about 8 months before I took up running, I was blonde (I have no clue why either but I was for a few years in my 30's) I was unhappy and it was the last year before my husband and I split up.
5 years from now , my children will have left home, I have no idea where I will be living, will I still be here? or will I leave as my children hopefully will all be at university or be working (the eldest anyway) Jeez, that's a thought, exciting to think it'll be all change in 5 years.
5 snacks I eat regularly, I don't eat snacks, I'm fat enough thank you
If I was a billionaire, I would buy somewhere nice to live, take care of friends and family, buy a new car, have my teeth straightened and whitened, have liposuction, breast perky uppery surgery, buy a Chanel handbag 2.55, and I'd book a gorgeous big island with fab accommodation, invite all my friends (yes, all of you too) and have a great holiday and I'd pay The Killers to come do a private gig for us.
And if I'd any money left over I'd see if I could buy David Tennant
Feeling old today even it's not my birthday, second daughter is 19 today! Where does the time go and why won't my 10 year old son stop getting more vocal, taller and growing weekly out of his clothes? Why can't he still be in babygros?
Please Auntie don't go and do a 10 years from now, please!
Hope you're still my friend in 5yrs..wherever you live....and now I come to think of it I vaguely remember that you DO have a filthy mind!
Frankie - Happy birthday to your girl xx nope, I promise no 10 years from now xx
Libby - maybe we'll both go live in The Beautiful House in 5 years time!!!! and you so know about my filthy mind xxxx
Phew that must feel good getting 3 memes out in one post! I've got a few stacked up so might do the same. And if you become a billionaire I'd stick the purchase of David Tennant at the top of your list...don't think there'll be much left after you've forked out for that lot!
Well doem fellow potty mouth/mond for getting all those meme's done in one fell swoop.Too many similarities I'd care to mention. Although I don't yet own a maxi dress
mummmmmeeeeeeeeeeeee - yep, David is def worth a billion !
Mrs W - it's only a matter of time till you succumb to the maxi
I'm looking forward to the gig already!
good read, thanks x
I don't understand the clyde tunnel either, but never knew this until I read you post. So it's not near the water then?
I was going to ask if you kept the rabbit thinking it was an actuall bunny but know I'm getting Charlotte from sex and the city flash backs. So have decide not to bother asking you.
I spoke to David earlier and he said you should give him a call
Kellogsville - it was be a good gig wouldn't it? x
Lolly - probably best, nope I don't get the tunnel, there's Whiteinch then the tunnel then Govan, no water anywhere near it
NB - just text me his number, there's a good chap
David Tennant, Baileys Cheesecake, The Killers, loads of friends and a tropical island. Fab combination :D
LFBS - and if the lottery fairy visits you can have it all my dear, if she doesn't I can offer you my real house, some drink, as much Baileys cheesecake as you can eat, listening to the Killers on the ipodular and maybe a naked photo of David? xxx
Wow! You've been a busy auntie today!
Gigi - had an unexpected afternoon off work and couldn't run due to torrential rain. Of course I could have cleaned my house...
They are all indulgently fantastic! And I wonder if conjuring them to mind took much time? I always look and think ooh thats easy and I start and then get stuck :D
I never get tagged for things :) but I may steal some of those for myself as other subjects (life, love, the universe) seem to feel very evasive at the moment yet I have no end to tell of!!
Lovely read x
Three thoughts:
1. David Tennant is a very lucky man
2. Am I the only person in the civilised world that never had a teddy bear?
3.Am I the only person in the civilised world that never had a teddy bear?
Great post! Congrats on your award!!
And hear hear to your filthy mind! Ha!
And I am glad to hear that you still lust after David!
VR - I'm always a teeny bit reluctant to tag others but always open them up to all, as I know some bloggers don't like doing them, I'll always do mine eventually
Jon - aawh thank you, he may feel he's lucky being blissfully ignorant of my ardent affection and I'm so sorry you didn't have a childhood bear, all my kids still have theirs too
SueAnn - at some point I am going to have to grow up, it might take a while tho... xx
Brilliant post...I enjoyed that
Congratulations on the awards.
Was just watching Dr Who - not the same without DT.
I was looking for some info and was searching on Yahoo UK for it. I visited each of the top 10 pages that came up but didn’t get any relevant result... I then luckily found your diamond forum in the dirt and thought to check it out. This is what I was looking for
Cheers people at auntiegwensdiary.blogspot.com and keep the good effort up.
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