Today I have a 23 year old child. That 23 year old child has neither fillings nor ASBO's. She does have a degree and a job and lives independently. I don't even have to wash her pants!!!How on earth did I manage to create such a wonderful human?
A very happy birthday EBD, I luff you, and even if I didn't have to luff you, I still would, because you are, and always will be mo chridhe
A very happy birthday EBD, I luff you, and even if I didn't have to luff you, I still would, because you are, and always will be mo chridhe

Happy Birthday to your daughter, sounds like you did a good job.
M & J - yeah, reserve judgement till you see the other 2 articles I created!!!
Happy Birth-day did good...and happy birthday to your gal....will we ever meet again???xxxx
Libs - we will, we are in Birmingham on Sunday 12 April if you fancy meeting? we are staying in an airport hotel as we fly out early on 13th? we could meet up for dinner xxxx
Happy happy birthday to your beautiful girl!
You did good :) Happy Birthday EBD x
Can't find a like button so 'like' :)
Great stuff....will email you x
Happy hippy b'day
Gigi - thank you, she is beautiful isn't she?
LFBS - yes, I did with her, the jury is sometimes out on the other 2!
KV - ta muchly
Libs - xx
NB - thanking you
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